This week will be a banner week for St. John. On Saturday and Sunday, we will celebrate with 37 of our students who will be confirming the faith God has given them. Thirty-Seven. Wow. We've had to make some adjustments to the 'typical' schedule that we would normally have for a confirmation weekend, just so everything will be able to flow smoothly Saturday (when the students will share their faith statements/eat brunch by the LWML/take pictures) and Sunday (37 Confirmation Rites spread between 3 services). We're excited as we anticipate a great response from not only these young people but also all those coming to St. John to celebrate with them.
Also this week, we will have an opportunity to participate in the National Day of Prayer (Thursday, May 6th). We will have our sanctuary open throughout the day so that any and all people may pray with one of our pastors and prayer team members, with prayer cards available to help focus your thoughts.
If you're not able to come to our campus, the National Day of Prayer will follow you wherever you are. You will receive a prayer card in your bulletin on Sunday (May 2), and we encourage you to take this to work or even around your neighborhood. Ask those around you if they have any prayer requests that you can write on your card, and then on Thursday hold these individuals up in prayer. You may be surprised what people may say to you...and who they will ask for you to pray for. Bring your card back to St. John on the 9th so that we may continue to pray for these individuals and concerns in the weeks to come.