Photos from Thursday & Friday (May 6 & 7). The largest footing is 16' X 16' X 3'. Yes, that's feet - 21 cubic yards of concrete will go into that footing.
This first photo is of some pastoral scribing. I took a stick and wrote "John 10:10" in one of the footings for our new worship center. The superintendent said that it was actually outside the building (I didn't know that). He also verified that this will be covered with lots of dirt. God knows it's there. So do I. So do you, now.

These blue-ribbon cages mark the center axis of the worship center. I have set up a platform from which I'll take a photo each day as the building goes up. On days when lots of things are happening (erecting glue-lam beams, for example) I'll take 3 or 4. When we're all finished we can show the building going up in 10 minutes or less.

Concrete: There are two rules;
- It is hard.
- It will crack.

A drainage tile is laid under what will be a new drive and parking area.

Toppers protect the rebar that is sticking up from the concrete footing.

The inner strength of the concrete is the rebar hidden within the drying cement.

Rebar sticking up in the area of where the new chancel will be.

A worker hangs a plumb line to mark the proper intersection between two strings, and indicating the proper placement of the rebar.

A worker climbs out of a hole that had been dug by a backhoe which he had finished with a square blade shovel. He was squaring off the corners and leveling the bottom in preparation for pouring this footing.