Monday, January 18, 2010

God's People Respond to Disaster in Haiti

God's People at Work - Through St. John's Mission Church (Lifebridge) we are working to send relief to Haiti. Please read below for more details: Two churches in Florida who have regularly sent mission teams to Haiti have acquired two 40’ shipping containers that they are filling with emergency supplies. We'd like to fill at least one of these with items from Cypress. These containers are scheduled to be shipped out Feb. 1 to an intact Port-au-Prince depot + will arrive within 3 weeks. Upon arrival, people from Mission: Haiti, the Orphan Grain Train, and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Haiti, will work together to ensure that these supplies are received + distributed in an orderly + timely manner. We are asking people to go to their places of work, schools, + neighborhoods to help collect these items during the coming week. Then, on Saturday + Sunday we will be gathering all the donated items, sorting them, + boxing them on pallets. On Monday morning, Jan. 25, the truck will pull out for Florida.The list of donations that we are seeking: Band aids, first aid ointment, and similar basic medical supplies, All sorts of tools, shovels, etc. for rebuilding, Canned food with pop tops, Peanut butter, Dry rice, Dry beans, Dishwashing liquid, Bedding (sheets, pillows, etc.), Buckets, Washcloths, Soap, Deodorant, Individual packets of disinfectant wipes, Tooth brushes toothpaste, and other toiletries, Liquid formula, diapers, baby bottles, Nutritional bars and shakes. Read the complete Haiti donation details.

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