Sunday, April 11, 2010


It's official; the deed has been recorded. The actual construction has begun! The construction fence goes up on Monday. Soon we will see more and more work on the new worship center. What will it be like to walk into the new worship center? What will it be like to have plenty of room for family, friends, and new folks who join us? What will it be like to experience the grace of God in this new place?
We can only imagine and look forward to experiencing these feelings.
In the mean time, however, we rejoice in the grace of God in Christ and thank him that we have an eternal home in heaven, mansions being prepared for us, and an experience of God's salvation that we can only imagine.
We'll post photos in the weeks to come and watch and see this project take shape. May God bless all who work on this project. May he grant protection to all the workers and give us opportunities to share with them and all who come on our campus the love of Christ and the Good News of God's salvation, and the gift of abundant eternal life through faith in Jesus.

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