Saturday, August 14, 2010

The View from the Cross: The Sacristy

Behind the cross in the chancel will be a large opening and wall that will hide the sacristy. The sacristy is a room in which the communion ware, banners, paraments, as well as the pastors' vestments are kept. It is used by the altar guild to prepare for communion and baptisms, as well as acolyte robes and supplies.

We are served by an active and dedicated altar guild at St. John. They do their duty faithfully and joyfully. The new space will have cabinetry, storage, counter top space, and other accoutrements that will support their service. A sidewalk will come to the back door of the sacristy and allow access to the sacristy from the outside. In addition, steps on either side of the altar lead to what will be a walk-through storage area that will allow access to the sacristy.

I am thankful for the Altar Guild at St. John. They are responsive, creative, and faithful servants of Christ. Their work is regularly seen in the banners, preparation for Holy Communion and baptisms, parament changes and general altar care each week. But their work is often taken for granted. They are often the unseen servants of Christ for the sake of the worship life of the church. I thank God for the women of the altar guild! I look forward with them to this new space from which their work will continue to be done.

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